¿Quién soy? Libro de actividades del estudiante
Help Spanish-speaking young learners develop a strong sense of self leading up to kindergarten! This book features open-ended activities to expand children's worldviews and gain knowledge about themselves, the people around them, and the world.
Item Number:154249
¿Cómo funciona mi cuerpo? Libro de actividades del estudiante
Help Spanish-speaking young learners deepen their knowledge of the human body! This student activity book features open-ended activities designed to expand children's worldviews and gain knowledge about themselves, the people around them, and the world.
Item Number:154250
¿Quiénes me cuidan? Libro de actividades del estudiante
Show Spanish-speaking young learners how to connect with the people who care for them! This student activity book features open-ended activities to expand children's worldviews and gain knowledge about themselves, the people around them, and the world.
Item Number:154251
¿Dónde crezco y aprendo? Libro de actividades del estudiante
Help Spanish-speaking children discover more about the places where they grow and learn! This student activity book features open-ended activities to expand children's worldviews and gain knowledge about themselves, the people around them, and the world.
Item Number:154252
¿Dónde vivimos? Libro de actividades del estudiante
Help Spanish-speaking young learners connect with the world around them! This student activity book features open-ended activities to expand children's worldviews and gain knowledge about themselves, the people around them, and the world.
Item Number:154253
¿Cómo construimos y exploramos? Libro de actividades del estudiante
Deepen Spanish-speaking young learners' knowledge of how we interact with the world! This student activity book features open-ended activities to expand children's worldviews and gain knowledge about themselves, the people around them, and the world.
Item Number:154254
¿Qué seres vivos hay en la Tierra? Libro de actividades del estudiante
Help Spanish-speaking young learners deepen their knowledge of Earth leading up to kindergarten! This student activity book features open-ended activities to expand children's knowledge about themselves and the world around them.
Item Number:154255
¿Qué cosas afectan a nuestro planeta? Libro de actividades del estudiante
Inspire Spanish-speaking young learners to connect with the world around them leading up to kindergarten! This student activity book features open-ended activities to expand children's knowledge about themselves, the people around them, and the world.
Item Number:154256
Mi día 6-Pack
Help early learners connect with the world around them through this 6-pack of thematic Spanish nonfiction books! This text about what children do in an ordinary day gives adults the tools to balance structured learning time and free play.
Item Number:146818
Esta es la ronda del moral 6-Pack
Introduce early learners to rhythm and rhyme! This 6-pack of Spanish books breathes new life into a classic rhyme while giving adults the tools to balance structured learning time and free play. Includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.
Item Number:146819
Un único yo 6-Pack
Open up early readers' imaginations! This 6-pack of Spanish books about a child discovering the wonders of nature gives adults the tools to balance structured learning time and free play. Includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.
Item Number:146820
Mis sentimientos 6-Pack
Help early learners connect with the world around them! This 6-pack of thematic Spanish nonfiction books about the different feelings children experience balances structured learning time and free play. Includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.
Item Number:146821
Si te sientes muy feliz 6-Pack
Introduce early learners to rhythm and rhyme! This 6-pack of Spanish books breathes new life into a familiar song while helping adults balance structured learning time and free play. Includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.
Item Number:146822
Un día sin sentimientos 6-Pack
Open up early readers' imaginations with this engaging fictional 6-pack in Spanish! This 6-pack of books is about a boy who wants to take the day off from feeling. Includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan to explore the importance of emotions.
Item Number:146823
Mi maravilloso cuerpo 6-Pack
Help early learners connect with the world around them through this 6-pack of thematic Spanish nonfiction books! This 6-pack about the various parts of the body and the accompanying lesson plan balances structured learning time and free play.
Item Number:146824
Cabeza, hombros, piernas, pies 6-Pack
Get ready to move, shout, and sing along! This 6-pack of Spanish books introduces early learners to rhythm and rhyme with a fun traditional piece. Breathe new life into reading with six copies of this title and a supporting lesson plan.
Item Number:146825
Magnífico y asombroso 6-Pack
Open up early readers' imaginations! This 6-pack of Spanish fiction books is about an animal-loving child who dreams of having feathers, paws, gills, or a tail. Balance structured learning time and free play with six copies of this title and a lesson plan.
Item Number:146826
Mis sentidos 6-Pack
Help early learners connect with the world around them! This 6-pack of thematic Spanish nonfiction books covers how we experience the five senses and gives adults the tools to teach useful vocabulary. Includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.
Item Number:146827
Este cerdito 6-Pack
Introduce early learners to rhythm and rhyme with this fun traditional piece! Get ready to move, shout, and sing along as this 6-pack of Spanish books breathes new life into a familiar song. Includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.
Item Number:146828
Mis cosas favoritas 6-Pack
Open up early readers' imaginations with this 6-pack of Spanish books! With six copies of this meaningful fiction story and the accompanying lesson plan, this 6-pack covers the five senses while balancing structured learning time and free play.
Item Number:146829
Así son las familias 6-Pack
Help early learners connect with the world around them! This 6-pack of Spanish nonfiction books is about what families do together. The accompanying lesson plan gives adults the tools to teach useful vocabulary and engage children with real-world examples.
Item Number:146830
Duerme, pequeño 6-Pack
Introduce early learners to rhythm and rhyme with this soothing traditional piece! This Spanish 6-pack tells the story of this lullaby, breathing new life into the familiar song. Includes six copies of this title and an accompanying lesson plan.
Item Number:146831
En la falda de mamá 6-Pack
Open up early readers' imaginations with an engaging fictional story! From elves and fairies to Little Red Riding Hood, this 6-pack of Spanish fiction books describes the stories a mother tells her child. Includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.
Item Number:146832
Cómo ser buen amigo 6-Pack
Help early learners connect with the world around them through this 6-pack of thematic Spanish nonfiction books! This 6-pack about what makes a good friend covers useful vocabulary and includes six copies of this title and an accompanying lesson plan.
Item Number:146833