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  Our English Learner (EL) teachers wanted a program that would address our students’ needs in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. We were in search of a resource that offered a platform for both in-person and virtual learning. Language Power, 2nd Edition was the perfect choice for us. The lessons align to WIDA standards, which are the ones our students are assessed on annually. LP offers formative, fluency, theme and pre/post assessments. The data we can collect is very valuable. It provides us the opportunity to monitor students’ progress and adjust instruction. Additionally, Language Power, 2nd Edition has a parent involvement component which is critical for student success. We would choose LP and TCM again because of the quality of the products and the service we have been provided.

  Language Power provided our students with an enriched and innovative experience throughout our Summer Program. Our team was grateful to have the opportunity to implement the features and lessons from Language Power in our classrooms. We gained valuable insights into how the program enhances language learning experiences for our English Language Learners. The interactive lessons, exercises, and quizzes provided an engaging and immersive learning experience, providing our students with multiple opportunities to engage using all four language domains. My team was thoroughly impressed by each unit's development and the resources available to engage our learners. We assessed students before and after the execution of the program and based on the results, students scored higher on the assessment after interacting with the program. Also, our students enjoyed the lessons.  

Integrated English Language Development
Strategies for Connecting Content and Language for ELLs in Language Arts
Strategies for Connecting Content and Language for ELLs in Mathematics
Strategies for Connecting Content and Language for ELLs in Science
Strategies for Connecting Content and Language for ELLs in Social Studies
Connecting Content and Language for English Language Learners
At Your Fingertips Guide: Strategies for English Learners in Your Classroom

Developing Language Through Content for English Learners

English learners struggle to learn new content and language simultaneously. They need ample opportunities to access, interpret, and produce content in English.

During this webinar, we will engage in a variety of strategies to support English language learners in developing content knowledge and language across the curriculum. It will provide insights into how to maximize oral language opportunities in all disciplines through quick daily oral language practices.

Price: FREE (Register and Watch Now)

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Strategies for Supporting Language Learners

Reaching and engaging language learners at varying levels of language proficiency requires dedicated and sometimes unique strategies.

This workshop will guide you through the steps necessary to make sure all students continue learning and growing in any environment.

Attendees will learn:

  • How to create a language rich environment to foster word consciousness for ELs in any instructional setting
  • Practical strategies to support students in understanding complex text
  • Authentic language development activities for immediate application in all four domains
  • High-utility strategies to support students in writing in response to text
Training Options

Keynote Presentations and Webinars


On-Site Coaching

Best Practices Webinar

Language Power Sample Pages

Want to see all the great resources that are included with this product?

This sample includes the following:

  • Management Guide (10 pages)
  • Sample Reader
  • Sample Lesson Plan (7 pages)
  • Sample Student Guided Practice Book pages (4 pages)
  • Sample Digital Student pages (14 pages)
  • Sample Unit Assessment (5 pages)

Language Power Unboxing Video


Product items

Available Summer 2022

Language Power: Grades K-2 Level A, 2nd Edition

Empower multilingual learners to build language proficiency! This language development resource supports Grades K-2 students as they learn English. The Level A kit includes 30 student readers and cards, lesson plans, and more useful tools.

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Language Power: Grades K-2 Level B, 2nd Edition

Empower multilingual learners to develop language proficiency! This resource supports Grades K-2 students as they build English language skills. The Level B kit includes 30 student readers and cards, lesson plans, and other meaningful tools.

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Language Power: Grades K-2 Level C, 2nd Edition

Empower multilingual learners to build language proficiency! This language development resource supports Grades K-2 students as they practice English. The Level C kit includes 30 student readers and cards, lesson plans, and more thoughtful tools.

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Language Power: Grades 3-5 Level A, 2nd Edition

Empower multilingual students to develop language proficiency! This resource supports Grades 3-5 learners as they practice English language skills. The Level A kit includes 30 student readers and cards, lesson plans, and other exciting tools.

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Language Power: Grades 3-5 Level B, 2nd Edition

Empower multilingual learners to build language proficiency! This language development resource helps Grades 3-5 students learn English. The Level B kit includes 30 student readers and cards, lesson plans, and other meaningful tools.

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Language Power: Grades 3-5 Level C, 2nd Edition

Empower multilingual students to boost their language proficiency! This language development resource supports Grades 3-5 learners as they practice English. The Level C kit includes 30 student readers and cards, lesson plans, and more useful tools.

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Language Power: Grades 6-8 Level A, 2nd Edition

Empower multilingual learners to develop language proficiency! This language development resource helps Grades 6-8 students build English language skills. The Level A kit includes 30 student readers and cards, lesson plans, and more useful tools.

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Language Power: Grades 6-8 Level B, 2nd Edition

Empower multilingual students to boost language proficiency! This language development resource helps Grades 6-8 students develop English language skills. The Level B kit includes 30 student readers and cards, lesson plans, and more meaningful tools.

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Language Power: Grades 6-8 Level C, 2nd Edition

Empower multilingual learners to build language proficiency! This language development resource supports Grades 6-8 students as they develop English language skills. The Level C kit offers 30 student readers and cards, lesson plans, and other tools.

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